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Navigating the Holiday Frenzy


“It’s the most wonderful time of the year….” It can also be the most stressful! So much to do, constant stimulus, disruption to routines, and an ongoing state of anticipation. Learn how to create balance and meaning for a peaceful, relaxed holiday season.

This asynchronous course is broken down into six easy lessons you complete as it’s convenient for you. A workbook is available to download so you take with you all the insights from the course.

Enter the coupon code HOLIDAY24 and for a limited time...receive a total value of $74.95 for just $19.95.

With a free 30 minute holiday parent coaching session, normally $45. Have your questions from the course answered and one on one support implementing your holiday plan.


Lesson 1: Welcome & Intro

Lesson 2: The Magic & The Frenzy

A look at how we can create more magical moments while reducing the stress & frenzy


Lesson 3: What We Really Need (part 1)

Relaxed and loving time with family and realistic expectations about gifts


Lesson 4:  What We Really Need (part 2) & Designing your holiday plan

Creating an evenly paced holiday season with strong family traditions. Then, design your ownrelaxed & meaningful holiday plan that specifically fits your family.


Lesson 5: What we can tell our kids about Santa to keep the magic without the lie.


Lesson 6: What’s next

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